I’m pretty sure that the reason that so many people are facing such anxiety is because of the unknown around this virus. That + the hyped up media places us in fight or flight mode, so our brain shuts down and our survival instincts go into overdrive.
First off - how do you usually react to fear or anxiety? Get to knowYOU during this time. What usually helps you handle those worries? And how worried are you now on a scale of 1-10? What do you fear the most?
Thinking of this and writing it down gets it all out of your head and on to paper. That’s always a good thing:)
*** Do these things more ***
The things that help you when you’re worrying…
Chat with friends
Watch a movie
FaceTime with a group of friends
Have a virtual wine night, and DON”T talk about Coronavirus!
*** Do these things less ***
- Stay away from the damn news. Especially the sensationalized news stations
- Go to credible news sources (and the CDC) twice a day. And that is it
- Consider a social media detox
- If you have friends that thrive in the drama (worry-porn), avoid them or tell them straight up that you just can’t do that right now
Oh, and don’t forget - let’s all wash our damn hands;)